• Bring some snacks! Aruba has reasonable food prices at the grocery stores but one thing they hike up the prices on is snack foods. If you’re checking a bag, pack some of your favorite non-perishables to enjoy while there. Save the cash for the adventures!

  • If you plan on bringing food or drinks to the beach, don’t forget to bring something to keep them cool! We always bring a couple of soft coolers to transport our waters and snacks in. That Aruba sun will heat them up quick.

  • Our most-prized item we bring every year has to be our float. Bring your own float that you can blow up when there and toss when you’re done. We like to hook onto the buoys and blissfully bob on turquoise waters for hours (while also holding a mojito). If you’d rather rent there, that’s also an option.

  • We have a cheap luggage scale that gives an accurate read and keeps us from repacking on airport floors. If you’re worried about keeping your suitcases under 50 pounds like us, this will be your savior.

  • The island dress can be whatever you make of it! While some people do enjoy dressing up, you’ll find most people to be in casual ware (dress shorts, flowy cotton dresses, casual blouses and button-downs). Men can get away with shorts at night if they prefer. If you plan on hitting the nicer casinos though, make sure the gentlemen in the group pack at least a couple of collared shirts.

  • Although Aruba is a desert island, that doesn’t mean it has zero humidity. Keep the heavy clothes at home! Anything that you would need to normally keep you warm (sweaters, sweatshirts, sweatpants, jackets, heavy socks) can all stay at home.

  • If you’re a snorkeler, you may want to bring your own equipment for easy access (we provide a great, free location in our 3 Free Insider Tips download! Also, if you want to see the fish up close, try some frozen peas! But be careful because they will come at you fast and nip at the food!

More detailed, personalized tips will be included in your customized travel plan.